Friday 22 October 2010

The Impact of the WORD on the Human Spirit and Body

“… and the WORD became flesh …”

“In the beginning was the WORD and the WORD was with GOD and the WORD is GOD. All things came into being through HIM and apart from HIM nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life and the life was the light of men. The light shine in the darkness and the darkness did not overpower it” – John 1:1-5.

A lot can be written as to the impact of the WORD on the Human Spirit and Body, yet the essence of it can be encapsulated in this statement:

The WORD through its inherent self fulfilling power, its ability to produce that which it talks about, is designed to transform, build-up and strengthen the Human Spirit to function in the earth at the same level of Glory, Grace and Truth as when It [The WORD] was made flesh and dwelt amongst us, John 1:14

The Apostle Paul in 1 Thessalonians 2:13c (AMP) “… the WORD of God which is effectually at work in you who believe, (exercising its SUPERHUMAN POWER in those who adhere to and rely on and trust in it).”

Again in Act 20:32 Paul say “ … I commend you to God and to the WORD of HIS Grace, which is able to BUILD YOU UP …”

The heart of the WORD is to build us [The Human Spirit and Body] into its self as depicted in John 1:1-5, so that we can function in the world as IT did when IT [THE WORD] walked on earth as Jesus Christ.

The WORD is grooming the Human Spirit into the very core of GOD’s qualities, as: The Creator, The Light, The Truth and The Life Giver … as well as molding the Human Body into a Proclaimer, Manifestor and Vessel of GOD on earth.

The WORD of GOD in prim is transforming the Human Spirit and Body into god, as put in Psalms 82:6. “I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the Most High”.

Peace Peace.

Friday 18 June 2010


The Man who walks in the counsel of the LORD, in His advice, plans and purpose, the Man that delights in the LORD’s LAW and invests time to study and meditate on His precepts, instructions and teachings.

He that lives in Integrity, Uprightness & Justice, who, speaks the Truth and is truth in all his ways, he who honours those that fear the LORD.

A Man that keeps His word, no matter what! A Generous Man always giving & helping the needy and stands up for the poor and the weak. His ways and path are known to the LORD and it is well pleasing to Him

This Man shall be Blessed [Happy, Fortunate, Prosperous and Enviable], Hence, The Man, His Thought & Actions as well as their Outcomes, will be of the Perfect Will of God and is Established, Successful and Prospers.

This Man shall dwell in the Holy Hill and shall never be moved or shaken.

Peace Peace

Mission Statement

Christianity @ Work

‘To Inspire, Motivate & Empower (TIME) © Christians towards Self Leadership & Personal Effectiveness in proving the WORD of God (Peace with Prosperity) in their lives’

Wednesday 19 May 2010


When you look at successful organisations, you’ll find that they have a Mission Statement, a set of Values as well as there Strap Line (an enveloping catch phrase), and more importantly they live (operate) by them.

Take a closer look and you’ll observe that the most successful ones amongst them (these being the top 5%), have a 3 tier Mission Statement:
  1. The Corporate Mission Statement
  2. A Departmental Mission Statement (this being the Corporate Mission Statement tailored to the functions of that Departments), and last,
  3. The Individuals Mission Statement (each member of Staff tailors the Corporate Mission Statement defining how they are going to make a positive contribution to the organisation via their respective positions and roles).

For organisations a Mission Statement gives it, its Strategic Directions, tell it, what to get involved in and what not to get involved in. What’s the point, you ask?

The point is this:

As a Christian, Christ gave us a Great Commission, to go and make Disciples of all nations … [Mathew 28: 19]. How are you going to accomplish this Great Commission?

Let’s face it, to make someone a Disciple:
  • you must first attract them to yourself, your way of life, your way of thinking,
  • secondly, you must win them over to you, before you can gain the influence over them
  • to, thirdly start teaching and building them in the Way of Christ

So, how are you going about doing these 3 things, are you running from pillar to post, like a wondering generality or do you have a Strategic Direction as to how you will make your own contribution to the organisation (The Kingdom of Heaven & The Kingdom of God).

What’s your Mission Statement for advancing the Kingdom?

This is mine:

Mission Statement - ‘CHRISTIANITY @ WORK’
‘To Inspire, Motivate & Empower (TIME) © Christians towards Self Leadership & Personal Effectiveness in proving the WORD of God (Peace with Prosperity) in their lives’

Peace Peace

Friday 12 February 2010

The Love of Christ

Ephesians 3:18 describes the love of Christ as having 4 Dimensions; The Breathe (Wide), The Length (Long), The Height (High) and The Depth (Deep)

I was checking myself based on these four dimensions, and I asked: ·

Wide: Can I love everybody even though they may not love me and might even throw my love back in my face? ·

Long: Can I love them for as long as it takes for them to grow and come up to my level of reality and truth? ·

High: Can I always reach the heights of God, to Love as God Loves, despite the situation I’m in and how I may feel in the moment? ·

Deep: Can I reach way down and love those that the world and society at large despise, have marginalised, and have cast out?

‘It’s hard, ya... it’s hard!’

I guess that’s why Christ said, that we must pick-up our cross and follow Him.

Peace Peace.

Tuesday 29 December 2009

The Voice of God

I am Superfantastic & Superabounding Praise God। How are you?

I was listening to one of my Pastors teaching on Spiritual Things, he made a point that caused me to stop and ponder; I’ve read Genesis 3:8, which reads,
“ … and they heard the Voice (Sound) of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day …”. What my Man of God pointed out, was that “The Voice of God was WALKING”, when I heard that I stopped, thinking wonderful, ‘voice! Walking’. As I brooded on this issue, other revelations were given me.

Notice that, it did not say; that God was in the garden or that God was heard in the garden, or that God was leading or carrying His voice in the garden; No, the Voice of God was there walking and having a conversation, we shall return to this later.

Firstly let us consider “The Voice Walking”, now there are certain things that have the ability to walk, People for example, as a Person you & I have our own personality, character, independent will & uniqueness, meaning that The Voice of The LORD GOD, walking in the garden, is a Person, with His won personality, character etc; which then begets the questions, where was He going and what was He talking about and with whom?

Secondly, also accept that He (The Voice of God) was walking and talking on the earth in the garden.

Thirdly, My Pastor always talks about truth & greater truth, applied here; we’d have to ask a greater question; Who is this Person, The Voice of the LORD GOD? Also, is He still here?

Let us take the third point first; the Apostle Peter gives us the answer in 1 Peter 4:11, he says “If any man speaks, let him speak as the Oracles (Utterance, Sound) of God …”, ‘If any Man … any Man … MAN’, so the Apostle Peter lets us know that the Voice of The LORD GOD is Man, more to the point you & I are the VOICE of the LORD GOD here.

This brings us nicely to, where was the Voice going and what was He talking about? I’m sure that you have descended that one; however, the Voice of the LORD GOD was going about His business, that of, Proclaiming the Glory of God.

As the Voice of the LORD GOD, are you proclaiming! The Glory of God?
You know, you can proclaim by word and, also you can proclaim by the Manifestation of His Glory in your life, this one come By The Power of The Spirit of God (that’s a topic for another day).

What? You say that you didn’t know that you here for Glory and Glorifying the LORD, in Isaiah 63:3, God explicitly tells you, that you are for His Glory.

So, as the Voice of the LORD GOD; What are you talking about? What types of confessions are you making in your life that shines forth the Glory of GOD in your life? Are you talking as Apostle James in (James 3:2) says “a Good Report” saying (talking) the right things?

The time has come full circle for us to arrive at the totality of understanding, that all of God’s creations was as a result of the Power of the Sound of His Word, Christ in John 21:6 framed the fishes that His disciples caught by the sea of Tiberias by the Power of the Sound of His Words.

As a Spiritual Man (Woman) born anew, alive in Christ and filled with miracle working power by the Power of the Holy Ghost, it is to us as the VOICE of the LORD GOD to Proclaim & Manifest His Glory, to be a planting for the display of His Splendour.

Hence when you speak a Word, make a confession, a declaration, or give a word of prophesy, to reiterate the Apostle Peter, “… speak as the Oracles (Utterance, Sound) of God.

Speak your life into the realms of the marvellous, because as the Apostle Peter tells us in 1 Peter 2:9c that’s where we abide.

Peace Peace

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Spiritual Enemies

Martial Arts, training and developing for Body – Mind – Spirit

In today’s society a majority of people engage in the study of the Martial Arts, and a good number of them can defend themselves should an antagonist cross their path (well I hope they can); yet, the thing is, we don’t just have human adversary (i.e. muggers, rapist, burglars, the boss, the boyfriend, the mother in-law etc.).

The nucleus of our enemies exist in the Spiritual Realms; the Scriptures tells us this, it says “… for we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but against principalities, against the powers … against spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places”.

If such are our enemies, that you can do 100 sit-ups in 60 sec, break concrete slabs with your head, have mastered 101 Kata, and have done the 100 man Kumita means nothing when the forces of the darkness have you ensnared.

I love the Martial Arts, training the body, conditioning the mind, controlling the emotion and polishing my Spirit. Yet, polishing the Spirit and growing and developing the Spirit are two very different things.

The way of the Bushido works for me; in Spiritual Growth, I first polish my Spirit in readiness to grow it, by going to the dojo. Then I grow my Spirit by hearing & meditating on the WORD of God, which is the Food of the Spirit.

If you read Proverbs 18:14 it say, that a man with a strong Spirit can endure anything, but a crushed Spirit, who can bear it? This highlights the importance of having a strong Spirit; that your sister in-law doesn’t like your dress sense won’t crush your Spirit; it might even fire you up.

However, if you are not ready and you have an exchange with a wicked person (now, this is not somebody that has done a wicked thing; No! A wicked person has their centre, being, their very essence as instruments of wickedness, given over to the wicked spirits in the Spiritual Realms.

When you have an exchange with these people, a roundhouse kick won’t do the job of cutting them down, for this you need the Sword of the Spirit.

This is what the Word of God says about me, my Spirit that I have received, The Spirit of Power, Love & a Sound Mind (2 Timothy 1:7), so I know, not believe, I Know that I have a Strong Spirit. So when I have an exchange with these types of people, when the job is done, you will always see me Standing Strong. The people that know me, know this

Where do you go, to hear about these words of Truth, to practice using the Sword of the Spirit? When you have done your time in the dojo, get to Church, (hey! Pay attention). Am not talking religion; those that know me (really know me) know that I don’t ascribe to and will never ascribe to religion.

I’m talking about Spiritual development, belonging to the right Church and Ministry, a Ministry ( ) that know how to rightly divide the word of truth and teach you how to have a Personal Relationship with God, that is what Spirituality is all about; Christ when He walked the earth, said, that the time is coming when we must Worship God in Spirit & Truth, well the time has now come. Go to Church and grow your Spirit.

By the way, God loves the Martial Artist; especially that one who’s Spiritual Gi embodies the characters that God delights in, [i.e. Truth, Righteousness, Justice, Peace], and have His Word engrafted in their Heart.

If that a stumbling block for you, then, find out what is meant by the LORD OF HOST.

Peace Peace

Friday 20 March 2009

Martial Arts and Christianity

Christianity, True Christianity and True Martial Arts share the same belief, school of thought, truth, that we are Spiritual Beings having a physical experience in the world. Christianity explains that Man, is a Spirit, with a Soul and dwells in a Body; in Martial Arts, we have it, Body, Mind (Soul) and Spirit, it true sequence is as in Christianity Sprit, Mind (Soul) and Body.

The sequence of Body, Mind and Spirit, that is taught is Martial Arts goes back to the founding fathers of Martial Arts; these founding father observed that due to the weakness of their bodies and mind, they could not maintain the degree of meditation required to achieve spiritual illumination. As a result they created a set of prearranged movements and exercises to strengthen the body and condition the mind for spiritual growth.

Now, over the ages, Martial Arts have grown to become a formidable combative science, however, its true essence is for Spiritual Illumination. Like all things there are those that have misunderstood what Martial Arts is all about, and have stop at the basic (baby) level of the Art; they think that it’s just, Fighting; likewise, there are those that have misunderstood the teachings of Christ, thinking that Jesus came to give a Religion, [“I came that ye may have life and have it abundantly (John 10:10b)].

The Martial Artist who is in Christ, the Martial Arts Instructor who is in Christ, know that in the World of Martial Arts, in our World, we polish the Human Spirit through the ecstasy of sweat, in the confines of the dojo (training hall), as we exercise the body and condition the mind, as we subjugate, as Peter says in 2 Peter 1:4-7, with all diligence our Mind and Body, to the power of our Spirit and penetrate the depths of our Spirit, and in Faith touch face with Christ that resides in us, and in so doing develop the universal principles, traits, characteristics and virtues of Christian Energy.

As we train! We grow and expand our minds in knowledge [emotionally & intellectually], as we subjugate our Body & Mind to our Spirit, and our Spirit to Christ, we learn to keep ourselves in check, in Self-Control, Patients. As we conquer our Spirit, and grow and perfect the Sprit of God in us (John 3:30); we come to know only Godliness, only Brotherly Affection, only CHRISTian Love.

Martial Arts is more than hitting the pads, chopping boards in two, or tournaments; it is a vehicle for exercising the Body and conditioning the Mind for the journey of Spiritual Living.

For the Martial Artist who is in Christ, it is a language for proclaiming the Gospel.

Peace Peace.